The city of Brumadinho is home to Inhotim. Located in the Paraopeba Valley, sixty kilometers away from Belo Horizonte, among the mist, brumas, that cover the mountains – and, by extension, lend its name to the city –, there lay natural beauties and a history that is closely related to the mining industry. Since its inauguration in 2006, Inhotim is part of Brumadinho, and the city is part of Inhotim. The Institute has been placing itself as an agent that generates employment, social development, environmental conservation, as well as a stimulus to the touristic and cultural life of the region, especially after the rupture of the dam of the Córrego do Feijão mine, in 2019. Around 80% of Inhotim collaborators come from the city, and several of them have the Institute as a place to find their first jobs and space for future perspectives. Since the opening of Inhotim to the public, Brumadinho faces tourism as an opportunity to create income and indirect employment.
Socio-educational actions promoted by Inhotim also have the relationship with the community as one of its focuses, whether by promoting access along with inhabitants, working with teachers and students of local schools, or interacting with social projects and initiatives from the region. Get to know some of the projects held.