What is transmutation?
The most unexpected reflections can emerge from the simplest of questions. This is precisely the proposal of “What is…?”
Visitors are invited to walk along Inhotim’s paths, starting off with a question that proposes new points of view for their experience in a series of events.
In June, the event will be held on the 9th and the theme is “What is to transmute?”
11:00 am: On the scale of the senses
With Luiza Crosman (RJ)
Luiza Crosman proposes a visit through Inhotim to experience the transmutation of our senses (sight, touch, smell, taste, hearing) on different scales and in our relationship with nature.
The artist will expand her research on the climate crisis, starting with the human senses to try to perceive what needs to be transformed to be understood or become information.
Meeting place: Reception | Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes | Seatings: 30 | Register on site starting at 10:30 am | Parental rating: Free
2:00 pm What is transmutation?
With Brigitte Baptiste (Colombia)
At the conference “What is transmutation?”, biologist Brigitte Baptiste delves into the interactions between science, society and politics in the conservation of biodiversity in disturbed landscapes.
Baptiste describes transmutation as a profound change on multiple levels, including the identity of things. She challenges us to reframe interdisciplinary approaches to solving complex environmental problems, offering inspiring perspectives for a sustainable, unexpected and strange future.
Venue: Largo das Orquídeas [J7] | Duration: 1 hour | Seatings: 80 | Registration on site from 1:30 pm | Parental rating: Free
4:00 pm Deffuturism
With João Paulo Lima (CE)
In this show, dance is a manifesto that claims a crippled futurity. João Paulo Lima brings his body as a form of speech, challenging those who still build an oppressive world. In the performance, the artist questions whether we are just vertical, bipedal, hearing, seeing beings, and creates movements that connect the diversity of a possible future. Future is def.
Venue: Edgard de Souza, untitled (2000), untitled (2002) and untitled (2005) [A16] | Duration: 50 minutes | Seatings: 50 | Registration on site from 3:30 pm | Parental rating: Free
“What is…?” has Vale as its Master Maintainer and Itaú as its Master Sponsor, through the Federal Law for Culture Incentive.
Public program
What is transmutation?

: Series of events invites reflection. Legenda foto: Series of events on June 09 invites audiences to reflect on the question “What is transmutation?”. Photo: Lisa Palomino
What is transmutation?
Inhotim’s public program
On the scale of the senses with Luiza Crosman (RJ)
Meeting place: Reception
Parental rating: Free
What is transmutation? With Brigitte Baptiste (Colombia)
Venue: Largo das Orquídeas [J7]
Parental rating: Free
Deffuturism with João Paulo Lima (CE)
Venue: Edgard de Souza, untitled (2000), untitled (2002) and untitled (2005) [A16]
Parental rating: Free