Themed Visits
Inhotim’s Education department offers several themed visits that draw from the Institute’s artistic and botanical collection to spark reflections and dialogues on relevant and important issues of our times.
The program is free and open to people of all ages. To participate, simply register in advance at the Reception or at the location where the activity will take place.
Stay on top of June’s mediated visits:
New Exhibitions
During these visits, the Inhotim Education team presents the new solo exhibitions O Barco [The Boat, 2021], by Grada Kilomba; Esconjuro [Expulsion], by Paulo Nazareth; and the group show Ensaios sobre paisagem [Essays on Landscape].
Ensaios sobre paisagem [Essays on Landscape]
June 1, 2 and 8, at 11:00 am
Lago Gallery
Esconjuro [Expulsion], by Paulo Nazareth
June 15 and 16, at 11:00 am
Praça Gallery
O Barco [The Boat, 2021], Grada Kilomba
June 22, 23, 29 and 30, at 11:00 am
Galpão Gallery
Guided visits
Themed Visits

Join us in Inhotim’s themed visits. They are free for visitors and suitable for all ages. Foto: Daniela Paoliello
New Exhibitions: Ensaios sobre paisagem [Essays on Landscape]
June 1, 2 and 8, at 11:00 am
Lago Gallery
New Exhibitions: Esconjuro [Expulsion], by Paulo Nazareth
June 15 and 16, at 11:00 am
Praça Gallery
New Exhibitions: O Barco [The Boat, 2021], Grada Kilomba
June 22, 23, 29 and 30, at 11:00 am
Galpão Gallery