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Monthly Schedule

September at Inhotim 

The month of September at Inhotim is full of unique events and activities that invite the public to reflect, learn and have fun. Learn more! 

On September 28 and 29, during the 18th Spring of Museums, the International Seminar Transmutar: ways of being in the world, gestures that preserve life will occupy several of Inhotim’s venues with guests from different countries . The program—which features debates, artistic situations and exchanges of experiences—will address such topics as biodiversity, climate, territory and culture. 

On September 14, there will be the launch of the book O que o nosso povo contou [What our people has told], the first edition of the Saberes e Memórias label, a platform for the voices of teachers, adults and children. The content provides a culturally significant perspective for the quilombola communities of Ribeirão, Marinhos, Rodrigues and Sapé, and for other quilombola communities and quilombo remnants in Brazil.  

The Moving Workshop is the suggestion for those looking for moments of conviviality  and creation. In September, participants in the workshops will create geometric compositions with origami, make personal diffusers, have contact with freehand embroidery technique, and create and project holograms. 

The proposal for this month’s Themed Visits is to spark reflections based on two works from the collection: Ahora Juguemos a Desaparer (II) (2022), by Carlos Garaicoa, and Untitled (2019), by Robert Irwin. For those who would like to learn a little about the park’s history, the ideal option is the Panoramic Tour.  

It is also worth visiting the temporary exhibitions on view at Inhotim: Giro (2023), by Luana Vitra, at Marcenaria Gallery; O Barco (2021), by Grada Kilomba, at Galpão Gallery; Esconjuro, by Paulo Nazareth, at Praça Gallery; and Ensaios sobre paisagem, at Lago Gallery. 

On Wednesdays and on the last Sunday of the month, September 29, admission is free. Learn more in the Free Inhotim Guide and get your ticket in advance.  

Monthly Schedule

September at Inhotim 

n September, Inhotim holds events, exhibitions, workshops and more. Pick up your ticket. Foto: Brendon Campos

n September, Inhotim holds events, exhibitions, workshops and more. Pick up your ticket. Foto: Brendon Campos


September at Inhotim 

Sep 01 to 30



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