Environment week: Educational Workshops
To celebrate World Environment Day, Inhotim prepared a program focusing on the Cerrado. From June 1 to 5, the 2022 Inhotim Environment Week – Ser do Cerrado offers a free program. Activities include three educational workshops for audiences of all ages.
Spots are limited and registration is done through the form.
Wisdom from the Cerrado Workshop
From the rich cultural diversity of the Cerrado, Inhotim’s educators will produce, with the participants, natural jewelry and cosmetics from raw materials from this biome.
June 3 at 10:30 am and 2 pm.
Location: Educational Plant Nursery.
Suitable for all ages (children must be accompanied by an adult)
Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) translation available at the 2 pm workshop. Click here and register.
Scientific Illustration Workshop
Artistic and scientific knowledge meet to graphically represent the Cerrado’s biodiversity. In this workshop, by drawing species from the Cerrado, Inhotim’s Educational team will promote learning experiences on the flora and fauna of this biome, raising public awareness on the importance of conserving biodiversity.
June 4 at 10:30 am and 2 pm.
Location: Educational Plant Nursery
Suitable for all ages (children must be accompanied by an adult)
Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) translation available at the 2 pm workshop. Click here and register.
Exsiccate Production Workshop
Based on the direct contact with the Cerrado flora present in Inhotim, visitors will familiarize themselves with plant structures and prepare pressed specimens for botanical identification.
June 5 at 10:30 am and 2 pm.
Location: Educational Plant Nursery
Suitable for all ages (children must be accompanied by an adult) Click here and register.
Environment week: Educational Workshops

Entre as atividades, estão programadas três oficinas educativas abertas ao público de todas as idades.
Programação de Oficinas
10h30 e 14h
Viveiro Educador
Programação de Oficinas
10h30 e 14h
Viveiro Educador
Programação de Oficinas
10h30 e 14h
Viveiro Educador