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Children’s Week Special Program: Mediated Themed Visits

From Oct 9 through 14, Inhotim holds activities that mix botany, art, and architecture for the little ones to enjoy with their families. To participate, just register at the Institute’s reception, which will also be the starting point for the visits. Each activity is limited to 15 visitors at a time. The Educational team prepared … Continued

Mediated Themed Visits: 2021 Opening

Starting in August 28, Inhotim has new works on view, and our Educational team invites you for themed visits through works that are part of the 2021 Openings, and are centered around the research concept and axis that will guide Inhotim for the next two years: Specific Territory. This special themed visit takes place on … Continued

Mediated visits with the Botany Curator

Juliano Borin, the Institute’s Botany Curator, guides visitors on a mediated visit through Inhotim’s gardens, offering details on species, the secrets of Inhotim’s landscaping, and with a tour of the Botanical Garden’s greenhouses, which houses rare species in the collection, such as orchids, anthuriums, and palm trees. The visit takes place on Saturdays (Jul 17 … Continued

Mediação Minuto | Yayoi Kusama

In the month that celebrates the Brazilian Deaf community, Inhotim’s Educators invite you to the next #BlueSeptember Mediation Minute. On September 22, our team of Educators takes over Inhotim’s Instagram page to promote mediated discussion, with translation into Brazilian Sign Language, of Yayoi Kusama’s work Narcissus Garden Inhotim (2009). Throughout the day, the mediators Jocimara … Continued

15 Segundos: Rivane Neuenschwander

From October 1 to 31, the second edition of Inhotim’s 15 Segundos (15 Seconds) project will be featured on digital panels in the city of Belo Horizonte and in Stories on Inhotim’s Instagram profile. Launching the 2021 season, Rivane Neuenschwander shows Primeiro Amor (First Love, 2005–2021), a series of portraits created by a forensic artist, … Continued

Panoramic Guided Tour

Start your day at Inhotim at the Panoramic Tour in the company of Inhotim’s Educators.



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