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Special Schedule

Exhibition-manifesto “Cartas ao Mundo” [Letters to the World], by Bia Lessa

From April 2 to May 29, Sesc Paulista holds the exhibition-manifesto by Bia Lessa, who created and curated the show. Based on Glauber Rocha’s oeuvre and on the contrast between utopia and dystopia, illness and cure, the three video-chapters of the manifesto — Asfixia [Asphyxia], Mercadoria [Commodity] and O Comum [The Ordinary] — are available for streaming on Inhotim’s and Pinacoteca’s YouTube channels, as well as on Canal Curta and GloboPlay.

Among the exhibition’s collaborators are Vitor Garcez, Flora Süssekind, Ailton Krenak and Guilherme Wisnik, among others. In the words of Bia Lessa, “the work comes from the desire for awareness and change.” A manifesto. A cry. An urgent need to (re)think the current world with the eyes – head and heart – of Glauber Rocha.

Click here and watch now the work on Inhotim’s YouTube channel

Special Schedule

Exhibition-manifesto “Cartas ao Mundo” [Letters to the World], by Bia Lessa

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"Cartas ao Mundo", de Bia Lessa

Youtube do Inhotim e exibição no Sesc Paulista

Saiba mais sobre a exposição no site do Sesc



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