Educational Workshops
During Inhotim Environment Week 2023, Educativo Inhotim offers two workshops open to visitors of all age groups.
On June 3, the Traditional Knowledges Workshop will take place from 10 am to 2 pm at the Educational Plant Nursery. The activity guides the public to understand the diversity of knowledge and the environment’s conceptual breadth through knowledge that comes from the direct relationship with nature and the essential experience for maintaining the regional culture of biodiversity.
On June 4, also at the Educational Plant Nursery, the workshop Painting in Inhotim’s gardens will be held, which in addition to housing species with a focus on conservation and research, also stand out for their beauty. Drawing on painting techniques, the workshop encourages visitors to cultivate new perceptions and connections with the landscape, creating a bond of respect and admiration for plants and the botanical collection.
Both activities are free for visitors and limited to 20 people. Children can participate as long as they are accompanied by a parent or adult. Those interested in participating must register in advance by email
Environment Week 2023
Educational Workshops

Visitors of all ages can participate in free activities that encourage reflection and contact with nature. Photo João Marcos Rosa
Educational Workshops
Traditional Knowledges Workshop
June 3
from 10 am to 4 pm
Educational Plant Nursery
Workshop – Painting in Inhotim’s gardens
June 4
from 10 am to 4 pm
Educational Plant Nursery