Children’s Week Special Program: Mediated Themed Visits
From Oct 9 through 14, Inhotim holds activities that mix botany, art, and architecture for the little ones to enjoy with their families. To participate, just register at the Institute’s reception, which will also be the starting point for the visits. Each activity is limited to 15 visitors at a time.
The Educational team prepared a program divided into three modules:
In the Themed Visit – Around the World, the Institute’s educators depart from the botanical collection of exotic species found in Inhotim to guide visitors on a journey through the different countries and cultures where the plants originate. Along with the world map that each participant will receive, children and families will visit places and discover different ways of relating to nature and plants.
In the Themed Visit – Animal or Plant, visitors will learn how some plants and animals have similar characteristics. In a fun and interactive way, some species from Inhotim’s botanical collection will be revealed based on popular names that refer to animals, such as the elephant-foot tree and the pacara earpodtree (popularly known as as orelha-de-macaco, or monkey’s ear in Brazil), species that allow for an ecological yet playful investigation.
The program also includes the 2021 edition of Espaço Ciência (Science Space), a project aimed at disseminating and expanding scientific knowledge and environmental information.
Guided visits
Children’s Week Special Program: Mediated Themed Visits

A programação traz a primeira edição de 2021 do Espaço Ciência Inhotim e visitas temáticas que mesclam botânica e arte Foto: Brendon Campos
Visitas mediadas temática: Volta ao Mundo
Atividade para até 15 pessoas; Saída da Recepção.
Visitas mediadas temática: Bicho ou Planta
Atividade para até 15 pessoas; Saída da Recepção.
Visitas mediadas temática: Volta ao Mundo
Atividade para até 15 pessoas; Saída da Recepção.
Visitas mediadas temática: Bicho ou Planta
Atividade para até 15 pessoas; Saída da Recepção.
Visitas mediadas temática: Espaço Ciência
Atividade para até 15 pessoas; Saída da Recepção.