April at Inhotim
Take advantage of the April holidays to visit Inhotim, open from Wednesday to Sunday, and discover the Institute’s art and plant collections. Our program is in constant flux, and the coming of autumn changes the park’s landscape.
On view since March 18, the exhibition Terceiro Ato: Sortilégio inaugurates a new stage of the exhibition Abdias Nascimento e o Museu de Arte Negra at Galeria Mata, featuring more than 180 items that help tell the artist’s trajectory during his period of exile and his definitive approach to Afro-diasporic traditions and the philosophy of Candomblé.
Part of the Abdias Nascimento at Inhotim program, Looking for Langston: I Dream a World (1989), by Isaac Julien, comes to its final days at the museum. On view through April 24 at Galeria Praça, the work blends together poetry and imagery from the private world of Isaac Julien and other fellow black artists and authors who shaped the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s.
To celebrate the communion between art and nature, the Educativo Inhotim offers on all holidays and weekends of the month the Themed Visit Educational Dia da Terra [Earth Day] and the Oficina Bomba de Sementes [Seed Bomb Workshop] , which takes place on April 21 and 22.
It is also time to celebrate and promote reading activities with the Mediação de Leitura Dia Nacional da Biblioteca [Reading Mediation for the National Library Day], which takes place at Ocupação Inhotim Biblioteca on April 7, and at Ocupação Inhotim Biblioteca station, on April 5, on the lawn next to Invenção da Cor, Penetrável Magic Square #5, De Luxe (1977), an outdoor work by Hélio Oiticica.
The Panoramic visits take place every day, leaving from reception, and the Bem-estar Inhotim [Inhotim Wellness] visit takes place on April 5, on our Free Wednesday. Discover the production of plant collections and other curiosities about the species of our flora in the Bastidores do Viveiro visit, held on Domingo Gratuito Inhotim + [B3], on April 30. On the International Day of Indigenous Peoples, the Educativo team will be present at Galeria Claudia Andujar for the activity Mediação Em Ponto, promoting reflections based on the artist’s works.
Monthly Schedule
April at Inhotim

April at Inhotim
Visit the new exhibition, part of the program Abdias Nascimento e o Museu de Arte Negra no Inhotim, and join the educational program, workshops and mediated visits.