Eixo Curatorial 3

Galeria Claudia Andujar is divided into three conceptual axes: A Terra [The Land], O Homem [The Man], and O Conflito [The Conflict]. The terms make reference to the sections of the book Os Sertões (1902), by Euclides da Cunha – The Land, the Man, and the Struggle –, that narrates the events of the Canudos … Continued

Eixo Curatorial 2

Galeria Claudia Andujar is divided into three conceptual axes: A Terra [The Land], O Homem [The Man], and O Conflito [The Conflict]. The terms make reference to the sections of the book Os Sertões (1902), by Euclides da Cunha – The Land, the Man, and the Struggle –, that narrates the events of the Canudos … Continued

Eixo Curatorial 1

Galeria Claudia Andujar is divided into three conceptual axes: A Terra [The Land], O Homem [The Man], and O Conflito [The Conflict]. The terms make reference to the sections of the book Os Sertões (1902), by Euclides da Cunha – The Land, the Man, and the Struggle –, that narrates the events of the Canudos … Continued


Yano-a (2005) foi desenvolvida a partir da fotografia, “Wakata-ú, Tiy” (1974) em preto e branco, de autoria de Claudia Andujar, que registra o incêndio de uma shabono (casa comunitária) Yanomami, na região do rio Catrimani.  Com a proposta de voltar ao instante em que essa imagem foi captada, a dupla Gisela Motta e Leandro Lima … Continued

Bisected Triangle, Interior Curve

Bisected Triangle, Interior Curve (2002) is part of the Pavilion series made by Dan Graham since the late 1970s. They are works that place themselves in between architecture, sculpture, and site-specific by investigating the relationship between architectural environments and those who inhabit them. In these structures, mirrors of simple and often curved shapes provoke distorted … Continued

Jardim Pictórico

The most ancient garden of Inhotim received, back in the 1980s, a visit of the landscape designer Roberto Burle Marx. Among the coexistence of art and nature, visitors can find in this garden works by artists Cildo Meireles and Olafur Eliasson amid some 150 species of tropical plants, such as aroids, palm trees, heliconias, orchids, … Continued

Yellow Ipê

People who usually pass by the Brazilian Cerrado might have already been surprised by the beauty of this yellow ipê species and its vibrating tones blooming during winter, at the peak of the dry period, announcing the arrival of spring and the first rains. In addition to its landscape design potential, the ipê wood can … Continued

Imperial Bromeliad

Typically tropical, the imperial bromeliad stands out for its size, sculptural shape, and vibrating colors. It occurs naturally in the steep rocky slopes of the Serra dos Órgãos (Rio de Janeiro). The plant is seriously endangered due to the high incidence of fires in its natural habitat and for its intense exploitation. It can take … Continued

Traveler’s Palm

Its major hand fan-shaped leaves arouse the attention of visitors at Inhotim. It is the traveler’s palm, a plant that is the symbol of Madagascar. Very used for landscape design purposes in several parts of the world, in its homeland African island it is much more than an ornamental plant. In rural communities there, the … Continued


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